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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My New Years Resolution...

Well, now.   It's the 5th day of the first month in the new year of 2011.  OK...ok.  I'm a little late with this but I am resigned to give a summary of just what I'd like to accomplish this year.  Over the holidays, I really was giving some deep thought as to what I am focused on right now and the biggest goal I am expectant to accomplish is to GET OUT OF DEBT AND STAY OUT OF DEBT!  I can't stand bills!  And after I paid my bills in October; it just dawned on me after having to literally be broke another payday--I am not having it! 

Back in the day, I was a shop-till-you-drop chick and I dreamed of what I was going to get at the mall each pay period.  I'm spoiled.  Getting in debt is not smart--it's slavery and when it gets to the point where you can barely buy yourself a sweater of pantyhose; it's time to get busy with a plan.  And mine is to payoff every single bill I have currently before this spring.  I'm so serious. There are other things I want to do as well this year, but this is priority.  I want my life back.

Early on New Year's Day, all I did was pray a prayer for posterity, prosperity and good fortune for myself, but also for my family as well.

We all need to have something positive to focus on and I most certainly intend to make 2011 a great year.

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