This month, I had decided to take a break from racial issues, but, last Friday, I got preoccupied in a board debate regarding the young girls in Maryland who beat up the transgender white man/woman. Added to this, everyday I turn on the news, Donald Trump is still pushing the birther issue. It has already been proven that Obama was born in Hawaii, but that is not enough for the most radical elements within the Republican party; some are making accusations that Obama doesn't want to show his birth certificate because he is really a Muslim and it states this on his birth certificate. CNN just did an investigation and reported yesterday that they not only located Obama's birth certificate--they verified the information and also added an addendum of even showing an old birth announcement that clearly indicates his birth on the date of delivery. Would you know, that people are now saying that Obama's family had this information faked because "they knew he would run for president." Almost 50 years to him actually running. Huh? I just sat there along with some co-workers and we just all agreed that these people are just racist and logically, because of their pathological arrogance, some just can't be reasoned with.
Some white folks actually have accused Obama of being racist.

This is actually helping Obama. Because clearly...there are some crazy people in the Republican party.
After that report, CNN had segments of angry white folks shouting down members of Congress during state town hall meetings.
I asked my co-workers, when are Black people going to start getting angry? WHEN???? Blacks have the highest level of unemployment. Poverty is still a problem in many urban areas, as well as rural counties. Black males are dropping out of high school at extremely high rates and teenage pregnancy accounts for half of all births now in the Black community.
When will Black people begin to vocalize their anger and frustration at the Obama administration? A better question would be: Do White People Really Understand How Irritating They Are To People Who Are Not White????
Don't even get me started about the absence of Blacks being nominated for the Oscars. And even American Idol is getting whiter. You rarely even see Black people on television anymore.
What is going on in this country?
As a Black woman, I have to literally pray in order to get some divine assistance and strength in order to not go off on white folks. Living in Georgia has not only made me realize just how racist white people are innately. Many southern whites are intellectually dishonest and really don't think anything is wrong in celebrating the Civil War--waving rebel flags on their pick-up trucks, homes and t-shirts. Some will even smile at you and have the audacity to tell you, "God bless your heart..." What does that mean? I watch in silence. I shake my head. And my smile is a lie. Deep down, I'm plotting to hurt these people if they continue in their ignorance. Black people subconsciously assist them through their acquiescence, and allow them to keep oppressing them subliminally down here.
Interracial coupling is not the cure-all for racism. And being in an IR union is not an indicator that your partner is not racist.
Quite frankly, one couldn't pay me enough money to date or marry a white man. I love Black men and think they are the sexiest men on earth. Black people should honor each other more in my opinion. And there is no better way to do that than to marry someone that reminds you of yourself.
Basically, I really don't know how long my reserve is going to last, but I'm telling you, when you keep goading a fight with someone, one day; it's gon' come.
Get a copy of my new book. Available on and other online stores (also on Kindle)
Yes, there is only ONE RACE, the human race and I, though it shmaes me, am one.
****Addressed To All****
Anyone who doesn't have the courage to post their name--is a COWARD.
First all, white people stole America from the Indians--who by the way, WERE HERE FIRST.
Anyone who uses statistics to begin a sentence, thought--is a racist and is an example of what I spoke about. It's a well documented fact that statistics can be manipulated to reflect bias in order to control social policy. Who does this? The U.S. Government. They control the flow of information, thus, they can create an agenda. Racism and steroptyping a group, keeps real issues from being focused on or discussed, in order to allow the wealthy and powerful to control and manipulate the masses for their own purposes.
It's funny that white people will casually tell a Black person that we aren't wanted, desired, and are invasive, but aren't aware of their innate ignorance concerning the actual facts.
Black people didn't ask to come here.
This measly 13% of the population, has a buying power reaching over 1 Trillion dollars. If it weren't for Black consumers; many American businesses would GO OUT OF BUSINESS. And please tell me how this measly 13% of the population is responsible for all the crime in America? Black people aren't the ones molesting and killing their families. White people are. We are not domestic terrorists--WHITE PEOPLE ARE. We are not the majorit of welfare recipients--WHITE WOMEN ARE. Please help us understand why so many white women are always coming up missing. And for the record: It's not Black people that destroyed the economy--WHITE MEN DID THAT. Who's in jail right now for financial crime? Not black men.
So, when you want to spew numbers at folks--the kicker is: to first, have an understanding of what statistical theory. Numbers don't always reflect THE REAL TRUTH.
Thank you.
This is my blog and I'll speak my mind on whatever issue I choose. None of you were invited here--If you can't deal with it--follow your mouse to your browser and find another site to your liking.
A Proud, Smart and Informed Black Woman
'Anyone who uses statistics to begin a sentence, thought--is a racist ' Ok. Now let's see what you do in 'paragraph' six (if that's what we can call your near incomprehensible babble):
'This measly 13% of the population, has a buying power reaching over 1 Trillion dollars.' started your sentence (and indeed paragraph) with a statistic!
NOW who's the hypocrite?
Dtas right, Sistah! All statistics we don't like be booshit! Da ones we like be da troof!
"I dare you to explore it" sounds like an invitation to me.
First all, white people stole America from the Indians--who by the way, WERE HERE FIRST.
History of the world, gtfo it already!
Anyone who uses statistics to begin a sentence, thought--is a racist and is an example of what I spoke about. It's a well documented fact that statistics can be manipulated to reflect bias in order to control social policy. Who does this? The U.S. Government. They control the flow of information, thus, they can create an agenda. Racism and steroptyping a group, keeps real issues from being focused on or discussed, in order to allow the wealthy and powerful to control and manipulate the masses for their own purposes.
By your own reasoning the two (2) words in bold make you a racist and invalidates your arguement!
It's funny that white people will casually tell a Black person that we aren't wanted, desired, and are invasive, but aren't aware of their innate ignorance concerning the actual facts.
Black people didn't ask to come here.
As a white person I'm extremely willing to take my share of taxes that goes to paying for welfare and help pay your travelling expenses to return to any part of Africa you desire to return to.
This measly 13% of the population, has a buying power reaching over 1 Trillion dollars. If it weren't for Black consumers; many American businesses would GO OUT OF BUSINESS.
As per your reasoning, once again, you mark yourself as a racist by using statistics to start a sentence and therefore invalidates your entire paragraph!
$1 trillion dollars in buying power and the power to make white businesses fail??? Get real!! If blacks as a race have any moeny at all it's been guilt tripped from weak~minded whites and called welfare and affirmative action!! If you were truly equal with whites you wouldn't need an equalizer
And please tell me how this measly 13% of the population is responsible for all the crime in America? Black people aren't the ones molesting and killing their families. White people are. We are not domestic terrorists--WHITE PEOPLE ARE. We are not the majorit of welfare recipients--WHITE WOMEN ARE. Please help us understand why so many white women are always coming up missing. And for the record: It's not Black people that destroyed the economy--WHITE MEN DID THAT. Who's in jail right now for financial crime? Not black men.
So, when you want to spew numbers at folks--the kicker is: to first, have an understanding of what statistical theory. Numbers don't always reflect THE REAL TRUTH.
The rest of this shit is pure nigger babble!! Anyone with a thimble full of common sense knows that if the American government had been wise enough and bought up all the niggers from the slave owners and then shipped them back to Africa we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now!!! There is NO black government anywhere on the face of this planet, that is not propped up by whites, that has a kind, benevolent and caring black leader. Those traits are alien to blacks as a race. They can't comprehend compassion, benevolence or fatherly love!!! It's all about the give me this and give me that!!!! That's why the prison system is filled to overflowing with blacks, they think an education is stupid and a waste of time. They make babies and don't take responsibilty for their actions. Without white people the black race would never have seen let alone enjoy the technology that is so prevalent in the world today. Compare Haiti and Japan, both hit by severe earthquakes yet while Haiti remains in ruins and hopelessness and tent cities Japan is on it's way to a full recovery. If blacks have trillions of dollars why is Haiti lanquishing so? If blacks were so superior why is the entire African continent in such a fucked up state now that they've trown out all the whites??? I could go on and on and on but pick up a newspaper or a book and read some real facts instead of making shit up!!!
Only name I see is Tor Hershman from Israel.
only name I see is Tor Hershman from Tel Aviv..
Then go back to Africa and do everyone a favor.
I was the first anonymous commenter.
I never questioned your intelligence, just your obvious racism. I'm going to repeat it one last time and then "use my mouse" because you really do make me sick. All women like you make me ill. YOU are the reason that no man wants to try to mess with a black female! You want to be King and Lord over everything while simultaneously being completely unreasonable.
Get over yourself. Just like you want all white people to get over themselves. If you don't want me to look at you and see your skin color first, then why do you do the same?
Nobody did anything TO YOU. Get over yourself!
"I have to literally pray in order to get some divine assistance and strength in order to not go off on white folks"
OH LAWDY LAWDY HEPS ME, HEEEEPS ME! if you hate whites then why dont go back to africa you stupid ape
Seems many black folks still are racists and want to still blame the white people for their own weaknesses and lack of understanding (education)they should be thanking the white folks for bring them here (they were traded by "their own")....otherwise they would still be chasing Bambie with a spear to get dinner.When 94%blacks vote for the great one one....educated people know who the true unthankful racicts are.
****BULLETIN**** guess it's official--THE WHITE SUPREMACISTS have found another way to infiltrate someone's private blog.
Read the comments and yawned.
Nothing new or intellectually stimulating, just typical verbal bile from the minds of those who have never visited a library or made the casual mistake in thinking that Black people are not intelligent.
Let's just get down to it folks: You people have LOST the war. End of story. Your populations around the world are shrinking. In less than 30 years, America will no longer be dominated by whites--Hispanics, Blacks and Asians and other people of color will be the largest groups for the first time in this country's history.
So, you can spew all of this garbage...but it's not going to change that one fact. Bottom line: white women are the most sterile and just haven't been breeding. Too busy burning bras I guess. Women's lib did it. So, in the post age of Lacey Peterson; how's it working for ya? White men have destroyed the economy, they rape children, and now are fixated on murdering their wives, girlfriends and children too. must be great to be white, huh?
Black folks laugh at white folks! You people are a joke.
The hate that you have within you has caused you to implode and I for one, am going to enjoy watching the self-plsion.
This universe is based on a checks and balance system. You get back whatever you put out.
Hate is a mutha. It typically will claim the host in due time.
You have no power, authority or reason for being on this blog.
Every single word has been published and will be broadcasted around the internet. I've got friends in high places and THANK YOU so much for proving my point.
To Anonymous: YOU AREN'T AS ANONYMOUS AS YOU THINK. The FBI has been notified, sweety.
[Laughing hysterically]
As an FBI agent, I can tell you that what Anonymous has posted is no different than what you have posted. It's not illegal to hate nor is it illegal to express your hatred. When those expressions turn to a physical nature, that's when it becomes a crime. By virtue of this blog accepting and displaying opposing opinions, its creator (that's you) has given permission for those opinions to be expressed.
Rebuttal To FBI comment: That is what is wonderful about our country--FREE SPEECH! Hate is one thing. But expressing emotions that are in direct response to conditions, attitudes, bigotry, indifference, arrogance, etc., is my right. However, the comments made on this particular topic are extremely racist--in comparison to the initial blog expressing honest irritation by myself regarding the behavior of whites today as well as historically. The hateful and ignorant responses expressed only validated how I felt even more.
No one has the power or authority to change one's opinion; only through perception can people change. And it is one thing to have something said about a particular thing; but it is also another to prove one correct in demonstration.
My blog is simply an open journal--no one was invited, but if there are those who read my blog with objections; I encourage intelligent conversation, but I will not tolerate violent speech or threats.
And I was very serious when I said that I will not hesitate to contact the FBI if necessary if anyone thinks they are going to use my blog to commit such acts.
I won't tolerate it.
Look, I don't deny that there are ignorant, racist people out there...but that's in EVERY race, and I think both the original post and the comments prove that. But (and I say this as a black female myself) you're doing the exact same thing by generalizing all white people. What is the difference between what you posted and the way some white people say things like they're annoyed by black people because they're all loud, ignorant, etc? I understand it's not the same thing as institutional racism, but is spewing hatred against the white people who are not racist, have not done wrong, and who actually treat people with respect regardless of race really the solution?
You can't ask for respect, then go and blanket disrespect on a whole segment of people. White does not equal racism.
And please don't mistake me for some "coon" or something like that. I don't deal with racist people, but I focus on respectful people, whether white, black, blue, purple, green, whatever. Instead of focusing on "we don't have this or that," focus on the solution and what we can control. We can't control people being racist, but for every racist person out there, there are just as many non-racists of any color that will respect our achievements and provide mutual support as part of basic humanity.
Why fight fire with fire in this case? If you want to put out a fire, when has adding another match ever helped the situation?
hm. I have read your blogs for A while now. I think you are a brilliant writer, when the anger does not get the better of you.
Knowing friend from foe, is essential in a fight like yours, (ours) and the upper classes WANT you to see all whites as evil. they NEED for you to make generalizations.
Example: all world leaders, and many from the states, who demanded that not only respect from the ruling class, but also that their own people respect other races as well were killed. I believe i do not need to educate you in this subject. it is a matter of historical fact.
Now why is it then that people Bob Metzger, (white aryan nation) and Kamau Kambon ("All whites musty be exterminated") are allowed to function freely, minus some small legal problems?
It is because Racism, is STATUS QUO here in the united states. when you start generalizing an entire group, you play directly into the upper class' plans for world hegemony.
Both Farrakhan, and the Rush Limbaugh are perfect puppets on the world stage perfectly pumping up, dividing, and successfully separating people who simply cannot deal with the fact that they are very similar.
The few successful socialist governments, (Cuba Among them, where many black nationalists find asylum) consider progress to be a CLASS issues, and not a color issue.
I guess what I mean to say is there people who their entire lives have fought as hard, and some harder and longer than you for your same rights. that is just a fact. Also the overplayed and obvious easy path of carrying a sign, and acting "revolutionary" something that has become a fake, phony, wannabe stance on the part of people dealing with either their guilt, or their anger, is completely obsolete at this point as a social weapon of equality and justice.
Having said that, I'd also like to point out that using technology that a white guy made, that is maintained by some white guys, sustained by white people, and mostly used and supported by white people as a platform, to say "I can stand white people" as a blanket statement, is one of the biggest ironies in the world.
I think your reasoning, your intellect, your mind and your mission are above that.
If Raise your aim, you might find more support, and quite possibly be shocked at discovering that there are people who live and die on behalf of human rights, yours and mine, who are as white as you can possibly get.
At any rate, on most of your points I hear you. But I know what I am. and I know how I feel, and what I am worth as a person, and I have no apologies for the color fate slapped on me at birth. none.
and I do love people of all colors. provided they don't act stupid with me and make assumptions about my character.
Because if they do, I don't don't care if they are of color or not.
NO passes. no excuses. no disrespects.
Thanks for reading this and thank you for your blog.
Piero Amadeo Infante,
Oakland California.
For the record, I am Cuban American, Irish German and African American. I look very white with a high forehead, blue eyes.
hile that got me into a lot of fights here (Oakland) with kids of other colors in my youth, it has also gotten me disrespected by upper class Whites, to whom I am just another spic. go figure.
Pedro, I read your statements and first, I appreciate your intelligence. At least you didn't preface your comments with Spade, monkey or Nigger. I'm none of those and don't answer to such filthy epitaths. However, who I am is a strong willed Black woman, with a mind as sharp as a Japanese Katana sword. I'm the type of Negress that white folks fear and hate, but oh, they know better than to make folks like me angry. They never will face me--but choosing to hide under anonymous cover--ensures them--so they think, that no one will detect who they are, is foolhardy. The internet has changed the game of identity and if someone is ambituous enough; THEY CAN BE FOUND and forced to be accountable one way or another.
This blog entry has definitely caught the attention of my opinion, because, it just TELLS THE DAMN TRUTH!
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