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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Love Letter: R Kelly's Christmas Song!


He did it again...and with style.

For over 3 weeks, I've been anticipating the release of R. Kelly's new album, Love Letter.  I visited various online websites showing my enthusiasm and also, it was a good way to get a feel of fan anticipation.  On every site, fans were just ecstatic about the monster single When A Woman Loves, and the newly released Love Letter single.  Then general consensus is that "It's About Time" R. Kelly made a grown folks album.  People were getting tired of the booty call songs and although this album is a few years shy of Chocolate Factory and Happy People; it goes without saying that Love Letter is truly a gem that some music critics are already hailing as a classic.

What can you say...Only R. Kelly can morph himself into persona's and glide through music genres like some comic book hero.  Traveling single bars in a single bound.  Look.  It's a bird...it's a plane...nah...it's just Kells doing his thing.

Love Letter is worth purchasing and I already predict that this album is going to win a Grammy and a host of awards.

His performance on the Soul Train awards on November 28, 2010, not only had his old fans cheering and excited; his killer performance won him new fans.

All I can say: as a former Chicagoan and lifelong R. Kelly fan...I salute this album and pray that God guides R. Kelly and allows him the time to show the true depth of his talent.

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