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Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Deconstruction of The Enslaved Black Mind...

Africa.  The beginning of everything--the birthplace of man.  On this great continent, civilizations emerged that were so great; their majesty, ingenuity, and brilliance would influence all civilizations and cultures of the earth.

The early Greeks would refer to these civilizations with awe and admiration.  "The Land of The Blacks" would be prefaced in every recording.  They were dark, beautiful and unique people, referring to themselves as children kissed by the sun, who were envied and admired around the globe.  Nubia.  Ethiopia and Egypt spawned the most celebrated kings and queens that ever lived.  Scholars, early men of science, mathematicians, strategists, and personalities that would defy human potential, would be the success models for all the world.  Africa birthed the first genius, Imhotep http://www.norfolkblackhistorymonth.org.uk/history/people/imhotep.html.  He also was the world's first architect.  His accomplishments would make even the most scholarly person seem like a slacker.  The greatest woman pharoah--A Black woman, Queen Hatshepsut http://www.egyptianmyths.net/mythhatshep.htm  was so great in her accomplishments, she called herself pharaoh.  Menes, Ramses, Akhenaten,Tutankhamen, Cleopatra, et al.  Their wealth and glory would capture the imaginations of men for millenniums. 

In silence, I sit in my living room--envisioning such wonders of how once upon a time...Black people ruled the earth.  Their kingdoms would be admired and challenged by lesser nations; but it is very clear to all the scholars of the ages: Africa set the example of what power really looked like. 

The achievements of ancient Black people were so great in their minds--they had the attention of those civilizations that would not only borrow from them culturally in every facet, but whose own civilizations would be modeled after them. 

The African American only knows of himself as the descendant of slaves.  Many of those slaves were once royalty before being captured.  They were bound and chained on that first ship to the Americas--dreaming of a time when they were once free...yet traveling to worlds unknown--strangers; their past glory forgotten. 

How do you make one a slave?  First, you take away their freedom, then their language, their history,  and distort the image they have of themselves.  This is what was done to those first Africans.  Their heritage was stolen from them in order to control their minds.  Anyone that can control one's mind, can control the individual.  It was all about power.  White slave masters prohibited slaves from learning anything about their past. Reading was illegal and if a slave was caught with a book; he or she could be punished severely.

Memory replacement was used to divide and conquer Black people.  What is memory replacement.  Literally, it is when you take away someone's identity and brainwash a false identity into their mind.    White history would be infused into the minds of these Black slaves.  All knowledge of Africa and its contributions would be deliberately covered up.  Divide and conquer was the tactic used against the helpless Black slave.  Young against old.  Male against female.  The house slave against the field slave.  And the miscegenation that took place was not only the white slave master imposing his power over a weak Black female; this was also to create an extension of slaves that could be used to infuse even a more deviant tactic; skin color differentiations that would further divide the slaves from being unified.  They were pitted against one another in order to weaken them.  You see...the greatest fear that whites had and still have is for Black people to be empowered and gain economic, political and social power.  Thus, it was necessary to use machination as this in order to create psychological impediments that would make the slave distrust his brethren, in order to retain white power.  As long as whites could control the mind of the slave--the slave would remain powerless and would not resist or challenge the authority of white supremacy.
And it is because of this very tactic, Black people around the world act as they do towards one another.  This behavior has been perpetuated in 4 generations of Black Americans and it is the very reason why self-hate is being exhibited through the behaviors and actions of Black people across the globe.  Everywhere you look, there is a legacy of slavery.  The negative associations and images that are transmitted visually about Black people are deliberate.  These distorted images are imposed on the psyches of our people.  Our forebearers would pass on many of these mental viruses subconsciously and it is with urgency that Black people begin to re embrace with their heritage and divest itself of white culture. Because frankly, it is killing many and the damage being done is giving our enemy the upper hand.

The only way to correct this is to reconnect to our African past>>>and link up with Africa today.  We must relearn our history and teach our young about their people and where they come from. The contributions of African Americans/Africans are immense.  Success runs in our race.  It is our responsibility to claim our heritage--own our history and control our own image.  Never again should we allow the lies, hatred and ignorance of our enemy to become our reality.

BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL!!!   When we begin to walk in that knowledge, we can hold our heads up high and be bold in our glory without apology.

*Get a copy of my new book.  Available on Amazon.com (also on Kindle) and other online stores. 


Anonymous said...

I love it! So much has been done/is still being done to insure that the black man/woman doesn't rise again. Nice article, Sistah!

TheUppitySistah said...


Our people would be even greater if we could just get the mind shackles off as well.