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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It's Not Always The MAN'S FAULT!

When it comes to relationships and women...from what I've observed most of my life, it's hard for the ladies to admit that "they" are the problem and reason for the relationship issues or for it ending all together.  And there is a reason why some women are single (By choice? yeah...right.).

Yes, there are some "no good" men out there, but hey, let's get real: there are a lot of "no good" women too.

Each and every time the subject of relationships come up, there are some women who want to portray themselves as the victims.  Those women, like myself...know good and well that this is a crock. 

Personally, I've seen it.  I can't even count how many times I've seen this in public--at the grocery story, movies, restaraunts and even at work.  Had a coworker by the name of Sarah who loved to tell her husband off on the phone--talking loud enough for just about everyone in our section to hear.  It was absolutely painful to watch.  I felt sorry for the man.

So, it's a problem when men tell the truth about their experiences with the mate from hell but ok for women to play innocent with impunity?

I don't think so...

It takes two to tango and where there is a problem>>>there is a root cause for that problem and its name is probably, Gloria, Denice, Sheila or Pam.

Why can't women own up to their part in a bad relationship? And just what issues am I talking about?

  • Being too suspicious
  • Being jealous
  • Being very critical of your mate
  • Lack of Affection
  • Not Giving Emotional Support
  • Too Many Family Members Involved in Your Relationship
  • Too Many Girlfriends in YOUR BUSINESS!!!!
  • Sexual Dysfunction
I could go on and on...

The question I have here for the ladies: Do you have a mirror handy? Some of you may want to check it.


khaki la'docker said...

I dig this post and ive said this many times.
Women need to accept responsibility for their role in the failure of a relationship.

Joe K said...

Thank you, Thank you, Uppity Sistah.
In the Bible, in the book of Proverbs Solomon said, I have found only one honest man among ten thousand. And, among women, I have found none.
Well, Solomon may have been wrong on this one. Thank you again!
So weary of the male bashing; especially white male bashing.
(I didn't do it, honest!)
This blog was like a little fresh air in the smog of hatefulness.
My former church, mostly white, teaches routinely that it's always the man's fault. If you ever open an honest church, Can I go?

TheUppitySistah said...

I'm glad this has been received so positively...and I do hope that there are women who will begin to look inward for the answers to their problems.

TheUppitySistah said...

I'm glad this has been received so positively...and I do hope that there are women who will begin to look inward for the answers to their problems.