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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Letter To White America...

  White America.  I am a Black woman, born and raised in the United States of America. As a child, my perceptions of you were formed before the age of 6. And just what did a little girl see? I remember sitting in the living room, in front of the television, watching images of Black people being beaten and hosed by police in the deep south. The image of a Black man with blood running down his face is most prominent as he was being helped by a friend after being hit across the head with a police baton is seared in my brain forever. I remember seeing the hatred in the eyes of the whites as they hollered, " N*GGERS! STUPID N*GGERS! GO BACK TO AFRICA !" What was funny about that was that it was white Europeans who had brought Black Africans to America. You called us monkeys and apes back then. I remember watching Dr. Martin Luther King give his speeches and talk to the media. Ever so convicted for non-violence and temperance in dealing with insane white folks who wanted to kill him because of the color of his skin. I remember when the little girls from Birmingham, Alabama were killed as they sat in Sunday school. Malevolent forces were rampant amongst whites. Not even a church was safe from their hatred. I remember the image of Dr. King when he gave his speech in Washington and I remember his body laid out on the Lorraine motel balcony when he was assassinated. I sat there...watching all of this violence against my people and I decided from that day that I would never trust you. You were evil, depraved and violent and were my enemy. PBS documentaries shaped those views.

Synopsis: I DON'T LIKE YOU ! You are unlikeable and are never to be trusted. The arrogance that is within you makes you even more intolerable and I believe the narcissism that white folks possess is literally pathological; it is impossible for you to understand how your behavior over time has impacted anyone. You are a cruel people. You don't care about anyone but yourselves and are so self-involved; everything you do is justified, even when the acts are criminal. You worship yourselves. Hmmmm...just like Lucifer did in the Bible. A connection?

Malcolm X told you to your faces back in the sixties that the white man was nothing but a blue-eyed devil. He observed, suffered through, and critiqued your behavior,then he threw your pompous, racist rhetoric and behavior back in your faces. Black America cheered this prince--a gifted orator that to this day, is viewed as the true emancipator of Black people. He told Black folks to LOOK at what the white man had been doing and pay close attention. He confronted White America like no one ever had and gave much needed commentary and description for what was destroying so many Black lives. He never retreated and although it cost him his life; Black America would never be the same because Malcolm gave life to the nationalist mind and challenged us to fight back--" By Any Means Necessary ."

Analyzing the things that you do, your personality traits mimicked Satan's: Cunning, deceptive, filled with hate, cultural hatred of God, corrupt to the core by evil. And what is evil? Evil consists in intentionally behaving in ways that harm, abuse, demean, dehumanize or destroy innocent others?or using one?s authority and systemic power to encourage or permit others to do so on your behalf? WHITE SUPREMACY in a nutshell.

Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, a noted Behavioral Scientist summed up what exactly is White Supremacy: "Racism (White Supremacy) is the local and global power system and dynamic, structured and maintained by persons who classify themselves as white, whether consciously or subconsciously determined, which consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action and emotional response, as conducted simultaneously in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war), for the ultimate purpose of white genetic survival and to prevent white genetic annihilation on planet Earth - a planet upon which the vast majority of people are classified as nonwhite (black, brown, red and yellow) by white skinned people, and all of the nonwhite people are genetically dominant (in terms of skin coloration) compared to the genetic recessive white skin people"

How can you people truly expect Black folks to love, forgive and forget what you've done when it is proven, maybe more subtly, but with unquestionable intent to oppress people of color? You want inclusion in our lives and minds without the benefit of accountability.

I dared ask a question years ago to the Black folks I know: Should Blacks Forgive Slavery ? The answer was a resounding NO!

Every time a white person approaches any Black person, it' so typical: First, the stare. Then the smile.It' a pretentious smile--one filled with a need for acknowledgment that they are taking time out of their day to notice someone whom they intrinsically feel is inferior to them in order to prove that they are not all bad, right? Or God forbid, they try to start up a conversation about the dumbest sh*t, but mainly, whites typically assume that most Blacks aren't intelligent, thus, the topic is indicative of this presumption. Malcolm X stated in his autobiography that it truly goes right over some Black folks heads of the manner in which white folks insult their intelligence. You're expected to respond...even though they are nothing but a stranger. The glaring monster of White Entitlement strikes again.

Many Black folks respond to White Supremacy every single day. How? Through compliance. White Supremacy can only thrive by our compliance. They laugh at the dumb jokes in the office. They won't tell white folks the ugly truth--even if it hurts. Frankly, they deserve it and I'm more than willing to bring the pain if it calls for it. I have no mercy for them. Why are Black people expected to compliant to disrespect, arrogance, and abuse? We're just supposed to smile and walk away. Never challenge. Just accept.

Hell no!

We've fought this battle a long time ago and I was not raised around weakness or cowardice. The Black people in my community were strong, tough-minded, educated and empowered. White folks in the community knew they'd get a hard right hook to the mouth if they even dared try any racist tactics.

Black Pride is non compliant and is viewed by whites as a threat. Why? Because it deconstructs the lies that White Supremacy fosters and exposes the areas where White Supremacy was formed: it was constructed in the minds of a Neanderthal race of people who thought that they were so smart, all they would have to do was omit the truth from history. They feared that if someone really found out just how insignificant they truly were; they would lose their power forever. So, during slavery, they came up with an idea to make reading a crime: in order to stop Black people from every knowing that they were the ones who were the first to be civilized and Africa was the birthplace of man.
But the hands of justice turned and those slaves were emancipated--they went in search for the truth and learned for the first time that Africa once was a place where great kings and queens ruled the earth. Mathematics and science were studied by great African men and great structures were built. They were not inferior--they were envied and worshiped by the strong and the mighty.

We were a people who came from greatness and the only way whites could stop us was to hide that fact. But the hands of justice is long and God instigated a coup. Freedom rang first during Emancipation and the bells of joy sounded again when the Civil Rights Act was passed. We'd never be held in chains ever again.

The only way someone can make you a slave is if you allow them to.

Black people finally began to wake up.

No. I'm not politically correct, and I don't care if I offend you...and if you are--I'M DELIGHTED. You don't like the truth and have done everything to stop it. You're not used to hearing Black folks tell you what they really think of you and assume that you'll throw up the race card when it is convenient.

Frankly, I'm tired of your duplicitous nature and selective morals.

It's hilarious to see white women fighting for the attention of Black men--fueled by the arrogance instilled in them from their white fathers of being every man's desire. Even the fat ones. But what white women are basically are women who are easily compromised. They will allow themselves to be debased--just to validate that arrogant presumption within them. Men use them, abuse them and kill them, but they still hold onto that damn presumption. They hate Black women because Black women possess physical traits they have to pay plastic surgeons for. The envy the strength of Black women and are intimidated by their ability to create their own image. With all the struggles Black women have endured, still they rise. But typical of White America, they are supposed to apologize.

Oh, this letter could go on...but I think I've said enough. You get the picture by now I'm sure...

Have I offended you? Really? Then Good. You absolutely deserve it!

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