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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Give Me Ten Benefits For Marrying A White Person..

I'm doing this because of a post I read on another site. Here it is:


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Originally Posted by maint_man
you dig who you dig. sometimes you have to consider the source.
So tru, but im gonna keep it 100 and say i feel somewhat forced to date interracially. I dont know what has happened to young black men in the last five years but most of them have become vain self-serving little monsters. The amount of hatred for black women i have witnessed is fuckin astounding. Im with my current bf bc 1 hes bad as hell for a white cat and 2 is one of the few men that has treated me me with decency and respect while i was dating mostly black guys. Im not sayin all black men are like that but the frequency in which i experience it is whoa.

I would love to build with a black man but alot of yall take hip hop as the gospel and its insane. I cant turn on the radio without hearing some rapper talk about how he fettin white girls. Khloe and lamar, kim K, ice t, all over the tv mushin young black mens brains. Tariq elite said something to the effect of 'getting a white girl makes a dusty hood ***** feel like he accomplished something'. Im starting to think he was on on point. Sorry for the rant but i just had this convo with a coworker

So, the jest of this is that Black men date/marry white women because they feel that white women will make them feel better and Black women date/marry white men out of necessity because they feel rejected by Black men?

This sounds crazy to me.

Why are Black parents raising White Supremacists?

Yet, folks will tell you quickly that "times have changed." Really?

Sorry, but I don't think interracial marriage is a cure for racism, but thus; I ask: Give me 10 benefits for marrying a white man/woman.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Malcolm X: A Powerful Retrospective...

For those of you who are wondering what inspired me to write my book, A Journey Into The Mind of a Black Woman. Two words: Malcolm X. When I was around 22 years old, I read The Autobiography of Malcolm X. It changed my life. And his words are embedded in my soul to this day. I found these powerful videos.  Watch them, learn from them, and GROW.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

****New Book Preview****


Over the course of a few months, I've been hard at work on my new book, Looking For China in Bronzeville.  The story is set in Chicago and will be filled with very interesting characters.  It is scheduled for release in the spring of 2013.

I have finalized the book cover and I'm premiering it on The Uppity Sistah.

Tell me what you think:

And don't forget to get my current book, A Journey Into The Mind of a Black Woman: In Search of Black Men Who Live With Purpose, available on Amazon.com (including Kindle) and other online sites and bookstores.  

*If it's not in your bookstore, ask for it to be ordered.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I'm Sorry...But Every Black Actor/Actress Doesn't Represent ME!

For some reason, there is this general attitude that every actor/actress of African descent must represent the Black race as a whole.

That may have meant something in the 1960's and 1970's, but in this current generation; I don't want to be associated with many of those who are part of the Hollywood/Celebrity cliques today. Although many of them can and are very talented and interesting; their lives and behavior are not reflective of the convictions that I hold or the community at large, per se.

I know who I am.

There is nothing that Denzel Washington, Steve Harvey, Oprah Winfrey, Tyler Perry, Laurence Fishburne, Whoopi Goldberg, et al., can say or do that defines the character, intellect and spirit of my being better than I can.

Celebrities are nothing more than an extension of the larger community of our people. They are not spokesman or clergy. They represent a conglomerate that is designed to sell illusion. Nothing more.

When their actions condemn them; the media is quick to come to our community and ask our reaction. As is the case with Tiger Woods. But for those of us who PAY ATTENTION; Tiger Woods condemned himself over 15 years ago on Oprah when he stated that he did not consider himself Black. He looked directly at Oprah and stated that he liked to refer to himself as a "CAUBLINASIAN." And in an audience filled with Black folks mind you. Thus, when he got caught with his pants down with all of those poor white COCKtail waitresses--who just happened to get very rich after scandalizing him...causing his divorce from his very blond Swedish wife; the Black community reminded Tiger of what he said to Oprah in 1997, and thanked him sincerely. For once, this one wasn't on us.

African history is far deeper than what Hollywood could possibly portray, but Hollywood doesn't like Black people and doesn't mind reminding us of that.

Thus, I contend that Black people need to stop looking to celebrities in general as a means of identity of who we are. But we need to always make Black celebrities accountable if what they represent to the media contradicts who and what we truly are as a people.

Can you dig it?