Remember who has always portrayed the evil witch...
For over a generation, Black women have been warning Black men about taking white women as lovers/wives. Why? Look at history:

What do you notice in this picture?
You have been programmed to subscribe to philosophies and ideals that once embedded in your subconscious, make it harder for you to rebel against those who control your existence and society. And what better way to do that than to convince Black males, particularly those who are successful, that once you've achieved that level of success; you will be indoctrinated into "our society" white privilege--with a caveat: you must forget that you are Black and turn away from all activities, speech and affiliation with Black people, for they are the biggest threat against it.
"Learning plays an important part in perception. The Programmers try to get their victims to subscribe to philosophies and ideas that will make it hard for them to rebel against their controllers. This is what is termed indoctrination. The same methods of teaching that others find useful are employed. Ways of thinking are incorporated by the slave via handlers, programmers, and the cult they belong to. Everyone tries in their own way to make sense of life. This is a natural brain function, so that the human mind can understand how to deal with the future. The mind takes raw data, and then applies some type of logic, and comes to conclusions. Once accepted, these conclusions can be as hard as nails, and they will defy any attempt to change them, even in the light of new evidence. If the Programmer is smart enough, he can get an alter to logically believe anything. Once the belief is embedded, it will remain there tenaciously. In the Illuminati, ‘great” masters and adepts teach “hidden mysteries”. The slave feels the authority that emanates from this teacher with special gifts and abilities.
"The slave is hardly in a position to question the teachings being given from on high. Circular reasoning, lies, and other tricks are used to convince the person that the occult world is true. For instance, “God abandoned you, therefore you need to cling to us, the only ones who would see any use in you.” (The truth is that the cult staged a crisis where their actor playing God abandoned the child to the cult’s abusiveness. The whole event was simply cult abuse--with God taking the blame.) “We are trying to fashion a better man, a man with far more capabilities than before, with better genetics. Those who oppose us, are trying to keep humankind back in the dark ages.” This is circular reasoning and outright lies. (They are not interested in helping mankind, only destroying it.) To make occult philosophies more palatable, the occult world attacks the character of anyone whose life would dispute their false claims. They also use a great deal of rationalization, where the end justifies the means. Many slaves have had to sit and listen to their masters rationalize their brutality. Within the Illuminati, ranks are achieved with much learning and ritual."
Many Black men have joined and are being destroyed in the process.
Racism is of the occult. Why then do you discriminate against Black women?
Who's philosophy are you following?
Why would I use white women as a lure: the once forbidden fruit in which white men once killed for; now being handed to the white man's greatest enemy--the BLACK MAN. Hmmmm...
During ancient times, it was common to use women as a way to lure to enemy forces to steal secrets. And what could the secrets of Black men do for white males? What he fears. What he loathes. What he desires. All of this information being given to dames in lust who then take those secrets to their white masters--as a means to develop strategies to destroy his greatest threat: Strong Black Men.
The Illuminati uses white women as sex slaves. Who is the image of sexual pleasure to the world? And why? Illuminati Sex Slaves Paint Horrifying Picture -
Are we surprised really that Tiger Woods was taken down by white women--strippers and waitresses? And what about poor little Gary Coleman, O.J. Simpson, Dennis Rodman, so many NFL and NBA players, and let us not the death of Steve McNair.
The Black family is a direct assault to White Power and white women are the greatest tool to destroy it. White people for centuries have had a hatred of Black people. Why do whites hate, demonize, fear and look down on blacks? « Abagond
This is a last warning to Black men: You are being SET UP!
You will be the victim in the end.