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Sunday, July 24, 2011

My favorite Dogs...

I've only owned a dog once in my life. His name was Chipper.  He was a little Datson that my mother bought for me on my 5th birthday.  He was always a bouncy little thing--jumping on me, and saturating me with dog kisses every time he saw me.  At the age of 8, Chipper was given up because my family had to move--the land lord of the apartment we were moving to didn't allow pets. I still see the look on Chipper's face when we had to give him away.

I've never owned another dog since.

However, I've come to learn that I do have preferences for certain types of dogs.  I like long-hair dogs and BIG DOGS.

Chow-Chows are my favorite.  Actually, it's a tie between Chows and the Samoa breed.  I also like Huskies, Keeshounds and the warrior dog, like the German Shepard. 

Chow chows




German Shepard

I've always wondered what makes us like certain breeds of dogs.  I noticed that the ones I like have similar traits physically.  They are all attractive to the eyes and are good dogs to own. 

Lately, I've been contemplating buying one.  Which one will I choose?

Stay tuned...

Get a copy of my new book.  Available on Amazon.com and other online stores (also on Kindle)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Uppity Sistah's State of The Union Address...

Greetings Followers,

The time has come for candid words in response of what has become apparent in our society currently: people are too sensitive and because of this, honest dialogue has been suppressed.

America is still the land of Freedom of Speech. This is one of our most important rights in this country. If you look around the world at oppressed nations; one of the first things taken away from people who live in these places is their ability to speak without fear of retribution.

Even the Bible speaks about how powerful truth is. Jesus said it would set us free. But one must know that they are bound in order to appreciate that logic. In our society, truth has become negotiable.

Today, many folks feel that they can do whatever to whomever, whenever, with impunity. But there are consequences to our actions and one must expect response to their behavior, words or actions in equal measure.

My general attitude is that it is my responsibility to treat others as I wish to be treated, but when someone steps out of line and causes injury either verbally or through their actions; I have a moral duty to speak the truth and correct them. There are some who view this as wrong.

Take the Gay and Lesbian issue: many of these people have become so hypersensitive about rejection of their lifestyle; they are quick to brand anyone that disagrees with their sexual ideology as homophobic or accuse them of gay bashing. The world is not gay. And by denying people to speak the truth about their views; the G&L groups are doing exactly what they accuse others of doing to them. If they are comfortable about their sexuality, why do I have to validate it? It's not my life. And the last time I checked, America is still a democracy.

My grandparents grew up at a time in this country, when Black folks could not talk back to white folks. It was against the law for any Black person to do that--adding to injury; they were to act submissive and even looking a white person in the eyes was considered insolence and would be met with hostility.

But God sent Malcolm X to our people and he looked into a camera and for the first time, America heard the honest thoughts coming from a Black man. His words were blunt, unapologetic and exposed White America for what they were to the world. For the first time, Black people had someone who actually intellectualized and verbalize how they had felt for hundreds of years in this country.

The Black Power era broke that rule forever with the powerful mantra: TELL IT LIKE IT IS!!! And Black folks did just that.

Whenever I hear someone telling someone else to shut up, simply because another person disagrees with them...it's almost as if they are telling folks not to even dare talking back to them, regardless if they are right or wrong.

If you value freedom than you value the tenets of it. In a free society, we must insure the rights of others, even when our views, beliefs, opinions, ideologies and attitudes are challenged.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Michael Vick Deserves An Apology!

Click the image to open in full size.

No Justice! No Peace.
Yesterday, I learned of the Casey Anthony verdict around 3:00 P.M.after returning from lunch. I stopped off into the break room and most of the employees in there were Black. They were in shock, angry and one spoke bluntly of how the public literally vilified Micheal Vick for mistreating some dogs. He was sent to jail--which really was a miscarriage of justice, given that the sentence was overkill. He should have just gotten a fine. But no. White folks demanded this N*gger to be taught a lesson. He had to do time.

Initially, I felt that there just wasn't enough evidence to convict Casey, but even I was completely floored by a Not Guilty verdict. She got off.

In recent times, Black women have been sent to jail for not sending their child to school--however, this white chick was found not guilty for first degree murder?  The only thing I have to say, is that if this woman had been Black, there is no way in hell the jury would have found her not guilty. Yes, in America, justice does come down to Black and white.

That's how it works here in America.  Justice really means:


However, case in point; I honestly feel that Michael Vick deserves an apology. This man's career was almost ruined because of the attitudes that some white folks have that animals have more value than they should. I could care less about pit bulls, and frankly, how do you justify animal cruelty when hunting is such a big sport in this country?

This woman killed her child. And in no way can anyone justify this verdict. I guess, a dog's life has more value than a little innocent girl who didn't even get a chance to live her life.