This month, I had decided to take a break from racial issues, but, last Friday, I got preoccupied in a board debate regarding the young girls in Maryland who beat up the transgender white man/woman. Added to this, everyday I turn on the news, Donald Trump is still pushing the birther issue. It has already been proven that Obama was born in Hawaii, but that is not enough for the most radical elements within the Republican party; some are making accusations that Obama doesn't want to show his birth certificate because he is really a Muslim and it states this on his birth certificate. CNN just did an investigation and reported yesterday that they not only located Obama's birth certificate--they verified the information and also added an addendum of even showing an old birth announcement that clearly indicates his birth on the date of delivery. Would you know, that people are now saying that Obama's family had this information faked because "they knew he would run for president." Almost 50 years to him actually running. Huh? I just sat there along with some co-workers and we just all agreed that these people are just racist and logically, because of their pathological arrogance, some just can't be reasoned with.
Some white folks actually have accused Obama of being racist.
This is actually helping Obama. Because clearly...there are some crazy people in the Republican party.
After that report, CNN had segments of angry white folks shouting down members of Congress during state town hall meetings.
I asked my co-workers, when are Black people going to start getting angry? WHEN???? Blacks have the highest level of unemployment. Poverty is still a problem in many urban areas, as well as rural counties. Black males are dropping out of high school at extremely high rates and teenage pregnancy accounts for half of all births now in the Black community.
When will Black people begin to vocalize their anger and frustration at the Obama administration? A better question would be: Do White People Really Understand How Irritating They Are To People Who Are Not White????
Don't even get me started about the absence of Blacks being nominated for the Oscars. And even American Idol is getting whiter. You rarely even see Black people on television anymore.
What is going on in this country?
As a Black woman, I have to literally pray in order to get some divine assistance and strength in order to not go off on white folks. Living in Georgia has not only made me realize just how racist white people are innately. Many southern whites are intellectually dishonest and really don't think anything is wrong in celebrating the Civil War--waving rebel flags on their pick-up trucks, homes and t-shirts. Some will even smile at you and have the audacity to tell you, "God bless your heart..." What does that mean? I watch in silence. I shake my head. And my smile is a lie. Deep down, I'm plotting to hurt these people if they continue in their ignorance. Black people subconsciously assist them through their acquiescence, and allow them to keep oppressing them subliminally down here.
Interracial coupling is not the cure-all for racism. And being in an IR union is not an indicator that your partner is not racist.
Quite frankly, one couldn't pay me enough money to date or marry a white man. I love Black men and think they are the sexiest men on earth. Black people should honor each other more in my opinion. And there is no better way to do that than to marry someone that reminds you of yourself.
Basically, I really don't know how long my reserve is going to last, but I'm telling you, when you keep goading a fight with someone, one day; it's gon' come.
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